
CIMERWA Ltd is an existing client of the Bank. In March 2012, the Bank approved a syndicated term loan of USD 10 Million to finance the establishment of a cement new plant with an installed capacity of 600,000 tons per annum in Mashyuza, Rusizi District in the Western Province of Rwanda. The syndication group comprised of 6 lenders [(1) Trade Development Bank; (2) Bank of Kigali; (3) East African Development Bank; (4) KCB Rwanda; (5) Ecobank Rwanda; (6) I&M Bank Rwanda], that teamed up for a total facility of USD 93.7 Million. The new investment was intended to replace the company's existing 100,000 tons per year cement plant.

CIMERWA is Rwanda's only integrated cement producer. Established 31 years ago, the firm's production plant is located in Bugarama, Rusizi district in the South Western border of Rwanda. This is the only cement company in Rwanda that mines the raw materials, produces the clinker concentrate, packs and sells cement for general and civil construction. Some of its products are exported to the DRC and Burundi.

  • Construction


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