EADB Biodiversity Investment Fund (BIF) has been created through a partnership between EADB and KFW to support biodiversity-friendly investments in Uganda
To understand opportunities, please read through the following brochure (link) for more information.
The East African Development Bank (EADB) invites applications for commercial loan financing for biodiversity friendly investments in Uganda. Please click in the following link or as detailed below.
The East African Development Bank (EADB) is pleased to announce the launch of the Biodiversity
Investment Fund. The fund offers competitive project financing in Ugandan shillings for viable
businesses operating in target sectors that contribute towards biodiversity conservation. The
businesses must operate in or near a significant biodiversity area and demonstrate a measurable
positive impact in the location.
Purpose and Vision:
The purpose and vision of the of the BIF is to promote a diversified and sustainable economy that
supports healthy biodiversity.
Project Description and Scope:
EADB Biodiversity Investment Fund provides attractive loan financing to Ugandan registered
businesses that can demonstrate a positive impact or contribution towards biodiversity conservation
in Uganda. The loans available may have a tenor of up to 10 years, a value of between Ugandan
Shillings 450 million to 3.5 billion and may be used for capital expenditure, business development,
and/or working capital.
Our target sectors are:
- Organic Agriculture
- Tourism
- Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Forestry, including non-timber forest products (e.g. honey, bamboo, shea nuts)
- Renewable Energy
- Wildlife-based Enterprises
The primary focus is to provide attractive commercial financing to projects that promote the
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Additional information is provided on the Enquiry
Form (see below):
Please download and complete the Initial Enquiry Form at https://tinyurl.com/bioinvestfund
Or contact Country Office Uganda for further details.
Expression of interest to be made in English and submitted before the deadline of
05th January 2019. More information is provided at www.bioinvest.fund or
by emailing to info@bioinvest.fund